Is there no creator, one creator, or many creators of the universe?

1 month ago 69

I’ve been thinking about the universe, and it’s making my head spin. Science says the Big Bang created the universe, but what caused the Big Bang? And then, what caused the thing that caused that? It feels like this question never ends.

If there is a creator (or multiple creators), how did they come to exist? Why did they get to be the creator?

I’m stuck in this loop. If I don’t believe in a creator, I wonder how everything came to exist. But if I do believe in a creator, I’m left asking how they came to exist and why they got to be the creator in the first place.

I feel like I’m trapped in this question, and I don’t know how to think about it. What do you think?

submitted by /u/Practical_Truck_9402
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