Is my life that boring?

2 months ago 224

Yeah, I feel like my life is boring. I'm 20 (F). I'm in college. I quit my job in September due to issues with management. Although I'm a home body I just really feel like life Is boring at times. Like I need to feel some excitement, do something extreme. But I'm also a hypocrite because as I said I'm a home body. I don't go out. I only talk to a few people who are also homebodies. I do have some friends that do invite me out but I feel like I don't click with then anymore. Not in a bad way but we just grew apart. I just feel like I'm not living to my full potential and something is just holding me back. I'm grateful for the way my mother and father raised me but sometimes I wish I was just more....wild and bold enough. What are things to do to not make life so boring other than just going go college. Going home. Having nothing to do. I feel like a boring, low-life, with nothing going for myself.

submitted by /u/3Death_Age3
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