Is Life Unfair?

2 months ago 69

Hello All,

Wrote this post somehwere a couple of years ago. The situations is exactly as described. I'm living away from my aged parents(both above 60 years). Will it ever get better?


This post is not meant to be a rant in any sort. This is a post that might be representing the condition of thousands of students especially Indian students who like living with parents as opposed to Western culture.

As a middle class guy from India from a reasonably supportive family I've always tried to be best at what I was good at, studies. It was quite early I realized money would be the most important indicator in my life whether someone accepts it or not. Money defines you in unforeseen situation. For me personally, money was never a bait, it was a path to success. Being an Indian engineering graduate aged 22 years old, I've managed to bag a decently well-paying job after years of hardwork and failures. But still there is something that haunts me and makes me an underachiever.

I've seen my parents struggle. My father had a rough childhood and was forced to take up a job that payed INR 300 per month in the year 1978, just about when he gave his 12th exams. He went to an average college and could never really study. Even though he was a below avg.student, he always wanted to do something in life, to simply grow. His growth was snatched due to a family fued that used my father as a scapegoat at that time. Fast forward 20 years, he could never really grow. He survived. He brought all of us up and made sure we never saw what he saw. He wanted us to study and fuck the world and be stable. Even though all of us have done reasonably well, I felt sorry for him. That man, spent his entire life stabilizing others while he crumbled. Even though we never had financial issues, we could not afford luxury. He used to take public buses instead of cars, took 3 sandwhiches when no.of people were 4 and simply smiled to cover up he never felt hungry. These little things mattered to me and used to eat me up. Being small, I could do nothing. I made sure to give all luxury to him. Over time, situations improved. We can now afford a cab everytime we go out but still can't afford a personal vehicle. We can afford a trip once in year but still can't afford an international trip. I understand this is privelege, but I always wanted to offer this luxury. Simply put, I want my parents to feel rich and happy. Since, we didn't have a family business, all what was left was a high paying job as a escape to this.

Fast forward some years, I've done it. I've been the only one in my family or rather generation who would be earning ~1.7 lacs INR per month, which represents being in top 1% of Indian household. For some, this might be impossible while for some, especially tech folks this would be just another average IT salary. I've never wanted to chase money, but did anyhow.
Now that I have things set, I look at my parents and see them age and slowly whither away. Though both of them are fit, they are not fit enough to visit places, to go to fancy places. Over the years, life has sucked excitement out of their lives. They are super-happy for me, but it's not the other way round. They've accepted mediocrity in their lives and fail to come out of it even when I'm willing to take the load. I won't blame them. Years of toxicity has done this to them, it would do this to any human being. I've tried to be as fast as I can in life. No drops for JEE, taking up a college with low fees, earning right from 1st year of college and never taking a single penny for my needs. But still, am I late? I can't give them a fancy home, a fancy car with this income and I fear by the time I will, it would be too late.

Is this how life is fair? I came all the way only to silently hear that all of this was not enough?
Few months down the line, I would be living in a different city, with friends while my parents would be at home. Can't bring them becuase can't afford it, can't leave them cause can't afford it! Life is indeed tough for some! If only life gave me some time machine, I wish to make them 15-20 years younger and make them live in my small paradise.

I understand this is not the right platform, but had to vent out this feeling anonymously. The problem of having old parents is real and really tough to deal with and people don't talk about it. Do let me know if you had the same situation and have some advice for the 'future me'.

submitted by /u/Pristine-Quiet8464
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