Life is actually our most beautiful journey, but we have made it convoluted and destroyed it and created a mess out of it. We have created anxiety and stress. Actually, life is a journey from the first breath till the last breath. But we forget who we are. We think we are the body. We suffer physical pain. We think we are the mind. We experience fear, worry, stress, anxiety, regret, shame and guilt. As the ego, there is the agony of anger, hate and jealousy, pride, greed and selfishness. Therefore life becomes tough, very hard. And who's making it hard? We ourselves, because we don't realize we are the Divine Soul, a Spark Of Unique Life. We are manifestations of SIP, the Supreme Immortal Power we call God. It is our ignorance that makes life hard. In reality, life can be most beautiful, blissful, peaceful, full of love.
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