In person / on-site toxic work environments are eroding the quality of my life

2 months ago 29

I genuinely like interacting with people. However, I don't like that my company forced everyone back into the office awhile ago.

Something seems to have changed with how people conduct themselves in the workplace.

In my opinion, it seems like many employees "on-site" lack impulse control. It feels chaotic when I come into the office and someone is throwing a tantrum about needing coaching for their poor performance or dumping projects because they want to quiet-quit, or worse.

Someone spread rumors about me and other employees and they skated right through an H.R investigation.

Management now seems to take a very timid approach with how they handle the employees tainting the morale in the office. It is no longer just one or two, it's several people.

I genuinely hate going into work now, and I've been applying to remote positions.

Does anyone else feel this way?

submitted by /u/TheeMadQueen
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