IM 18 and feel lost Any advice

2 months ago 29

So I gradutated 6 months ago now was gonna go to small school in Dallas and had a small scholarship with then but went there felt it was too small kinda regret that but felt it was to small and decided community college last min got all the paperwork but couldnt pass the entry I dont know how but i couldnt pass took it multiple times and No (i had a 3.4 GPA in highschool) So i been living with my parents I for this while doing nothing playing video games was ina gym phase and now back in questionig my exsistence I have my drivers licenese but no car,School is starting soon but now im scared and questions if it for me I want to go into finance because i love Trading stocks and things like that but have questioned what about working as a salesmen always felt i could be good at that or The military was an idea just feel lost and stuck. I feel like ima dissapointment but cant go through with that and question my life a lot I feel like im smart as high school wasnt really hard for me I dont talk to friends anymore cause they moved on and online friends sometimes but not really idk what to do.

submitted by /u/Key_Development_8248
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