I've Been Thinking...

1 month ago 30

I was thinking about the meaning of life, and this came to me. I really loved what I interpreted. I wanted to share it somewhere so... here you go, lol. (And pardon me for the weak Eng.)

"The Meaning of Life;

I see every life as a book. As a story. Each book is a... book. And all of them have a story to tell. One is romantic, one is horror and etc. Each book's content is different from other books. The reason behind it is simple: because each book had a different author/writer. And each wrote as they liked.

Such is life. We all have it. But each person gives meaning to their life by how they want it to mean. If you think life is meaningless, the reason behind it mostly comes from within."

submitted by /u/Hoss9inBG
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