I thought good people didn't exist but today this changed my perspective.

1 month ago 73

I went to look for jobs offline and online like I usually do and its always a dead end but whatever I might as well might be without EI and I know I will be laid off at my corporate job in about 2.5 weeks time.

My parents are also in heavy debt and might be kicking me out. So, I went out to my city as normal people took my resume said no guarantee or they didn't even bother taking my resume and said yeah you can just go we're not hiring anyone.

Fast forward I went to another city and I looked for a job just once. I was able to connect with the owner he literally told me brother stay with me and I will give you a house and have you work with me twice a week until you get back on your feet. I quickly left because my parents are bad people to be honest but they have taught me if something is too good to be true never trust it.

I told him I had to go and he grinned and said you don't trust me and I said I will come back and then he quickly gave me some money and I left in a hurry and he gave me snacks.

Its crazy I've been applying to thousands of job applications after 22 grad and this guy wanted to help me out even though he himself told me he had rejected 4 others who came to office a moment ago like me.

I feel really ashamed and embarrassed because I tried giving him the money back but he wouldn't take it. I don't even know what happened, I wonder if I'm the bad person at this point.

The place I went to has mostly the same ethnic people as my background and even other people from there wanted to help me out, which I've never seen before and found it crazy that people wanted to help me out or good people actually exist and it just felt way too off.

submitted by /u/Last_Consequence2760
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