I'm so sick of the "successful" people in my life

3 months ago 44

Failing is one thing. People pointing fingers at you and blaming you is another.

It's like as you grow older, the world expects you to make fewer mistakes and, as strange as it may sound, become less human.

To give you an idea of ​​what I'm talking about, I always wanted to play the piano since I was young, and in fact, when I had the opportunity I decided to learn. But as the years went by and I got older, and after thousands and thousands of disappointments, false hopes and pain, I realized that I never had a chance, given my lack of talent.

Even so, I never looked for someone to blame (mostly because there wasn't any) and I tried as best I could to distract myself from the wasted time and disappointment.

The problem comes with the people who are supposed to give me some comfort and... please stop for a moment if you've ever heard something like this: "If you failed, it's because you didn't try hard enough" "Losers are losers because they want to" "Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn't work hard" "Slackers like you don't deserve anything" etc.

I'm not exaggerating when I say that I've lost friendships and close relationships, because I've openly said that I don't buy that narrative that our will is stronger than things we have no control over.

I mean, do they expect me to say that I walked away from what once made me happy (which I now hate), because I wanted to?

submitted by /u/Butterophy
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