I’m never “in” the good, crazy times - I only hear about them after they happen

3 months ago 33

23m here. Don’t know where to post or what responses I’ll get so I’m just looking to vent.

Recently I’ve come to the realization that I never have “crazy” or memorable nights. Yesterday was a birthday party for someone in my gfs family. My gfs older sister and cousins (all in their early-mid 30s) start telling stories they had in their younger years at clubs in the area, at parties, wild nights ending in fights etc etc.

I never had nights like that. It was in that moment I realized that I’m always the guy people are telling these crazy stories to but I’m never there to experience them. All the old clubs in the area that they spoke of have been shut down/ sold, and the remaining bars and clubs left in our area are overpriced and so fucking lame.

And I’ve gone out in other areas with friends. It’s always a good time out with my friends. But it’s always the same ordeal. Get to the bar, buy a few drinks, stand around for a while.. and a lot of times we’re gone by 12. I don’t have anybody to stay out late or do all nighters with.

Then, a week or 2 ago my friend literally calls me at 10:00 to tell me how “missed the absolute craziest weekend” and they were on a multi day rager. WHAT??? I’ve never done a multi day anything in my life.

I’m tired of telling myself I’m the locked in guy that’s not interested in those things. I’m in the gym religiously, I have a good paying job at a young age, I’m going back to college, i have a beautiful gf, I know I’m in a good spot - but all for what?? I’m so fucking bored all the time. I’m always home watching sports or Netflix/ YouTube. Right now, if someone asked me what my craziest night was I’d probably tell them a trip me and a few friends took when I was 18. That one was semi crazy but I have had no experiences even close to that in all these years.

I love my gf but she’s also a homebody and really only likes shopping. That’s pretty much the only thing that gets me out of the house with her on the weekends. It’s always home - Ross/marshalls/ tj maxx/ any other shopping thing on the weekends. I fucking hate shopping but there’s nothing else within our budget to do.

I love my family but they do nothing but work 7 days a week then go straight home. That’s how it was my whole life, my parents literally have no hobbies. I wish I could just have some excitement somewhere in my life.

Has anyone been in a similar situation? Any words at all are appreciated.

TL;DR I’m always on the outside looking in on the fun and beginning to feel very bored in my life.

submitted by /u/jeanxcobar
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