I'm nearly 20 and I feel behind already

2 months ago 30

I know it sounds stupid to say it and I know everyone will say "you've got you're whole life ahead of you" but I feel so behind already compared to my peers

Basically I didn't do too well in a levels. I had little interest in my subjects and no motivation. Luckily I got into uni to study forensic science with a foundation year and so far it's been hard but I've loved it. I've now been kicked out due to attendance because my mental health was quite bad. Problem is now because of my low a level graders not many universities will take me and I've already used up half a year of student finance and they only cover a maximum of 4 years. I've looked into degree apprenticeships but I'm still unsure. Now my option is to move out of my accommodation back home with my grandmother. I feel so ashamed and embarrassed having to tell everyone I'm a uni drop out, and I feel I'll get judged for this, if not by others but myself mainly.

I'm so lost in life currently for what I want to do with myself. It sounds so lazy but all I want to do is cook and clean in a nice house with my boyfriend but I know relying on a partner in this fantasy for the rest of my life is silly and unrealistic. I need to put myself out there and try things but I am so lost and I feel like a disappointment to myself and my family

submitted by /u/NoRound3127
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