I’m looking at the cost of living in my state and it’s laughable to say the least

2 months ago 29

This is what I found from a quick google search. “The MIT Living Wage Calculator states that a single person in Texas needs to make about $34,000 before taxes to live comfortably.” Im grossing 53-54k a year and Im not going to lie, I struggle. I’m single and do not try to live beyond my means, yet I am always down to my last pennies every pay day and any savings I can scrape up always seems to be squandered on some stupid shit that comes up in my life. I personally would be homeless if I were making 34k a year. I don’t know what Jabroni came up with these numbers but I’m sure that they make more money than I do. How do others feel about a “comfortable living wage”?

submitted by /u/scramblesdaegg
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