I'm a big failure

1 month ago 52

Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing very well! I hope I’m not bothering you with what I’m about to share:

I’m a girl who turned 22 just two days ago. Honestly, it’s been horrible. I feel like I’ve wasted all my time and my life being scared, missing out on opportunities, not doing what I loved—basically everything—and it’s stressing me out big time.

I studied clinical and biomedical laboratory sciences here in Spain (because I was born here). The program lasted two years, and I finished my internship at a hospital in 2024. However, it’s not my passion. I was interested in it, but that’s about it.

I’ve never had any sexual relationships, and now literally almost everyone around me has experience. I feel like I’m falling behind in absolutely everything.

I’m unemployed. I want to move out and can’t yet, but I really need to because of the environment I’m currently in.

When I was younger, I should’ve gotten braces, but I didn’t because I was too embarrassed, and now it frustrates me because my teeth aren’t aligned. I’m trying to figure out how to get them fixed now, but I feel like the treatment will take forever, and if I had done it as a kid, I wouldn’t be dealing with this crap now (sorry for the word).

I don’t have my driver’s license. I only have the practical lessons left, but I’ve been putting it off. This year, I have to get it no matter what.

I also wanted to take the gym and healthy eating seriously, but nope—I only went for four days during the summer, and that’s it.

I feel like a failure, like absolute trash. I’ve been crying nonstop these past few days, regretting everything. I see young people achieving incredible things, and then there’s me—a failure in every possible sense. I can’t shake this feeling, and I hate myself so much for it.

You can call me dramatic or childish, but I swear it hurts a lot.

My true passions are acting in cinema, entrepreneurship, and so on. Yes, I’d love to go to Los Angeles and make history in the film industry. I want to leave my mark and create a “before and after” in acting. It’s an ambitious and nearly impossible dream, but it’s what I’m passionate about. I want to aim big, and of course, create things related to entrepreneurship and investing. I have so many big, ambitious dreams.

But I feel like my life has passed me by. I feel like I’ve wasted my time and that there’s nothing I can do now. You only have to look at young people nowadays doing amazing things. The regret is killing me—it’s taken over me.

What do I do? What advice would you give me? Please, I really need it. I hope you read this. Thank you so much.

submitted by /u/yasmin1221
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