I have this deep seated knowing that I'm not where I'm supposed to be in life. Yet, somehow, I know that I should enjoy where I am. What do you do in this situation? Anything that can help?

2 months ago 31

There would be a lot to unpack in order to give you guys proper background. Basically I had a rare brain tumor at 5 years old which messed up how nearly my entire body works (my thyroid and kidneys are shot, my body doesn't produce testosterone or the fight or flight hormone cortisol.) My mom was always really concerned about how much I could do as a result, so I just got my driver's license in August (at 27) and I'm still living with my folks. My goal is to move out preferably within the next year to year and a half.

At the time, my job is only giving me 19 hours a week, but I'm hoping to get offered full-time with the rate that trainees quit. To get to the point, I'm eager to get my own place and I'm trying to save as much as I can before I make that move (ideally $15-20k,) but I can't help but feel like I'm getting too caught up in it all. I know that there's no going back once I move out and that I should really enjoy it as much as I can. I just can't help but feel like it's suffocating me. What can I do to just enjoy the process? Any tips? To anybody saying "you're almost 30. Why are you still with your parents?" I get it. Trust me. Its not ideal, but this is where I stand.

submitted by /u/Bass_2_theface
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