I got head from my friends girlfriend

1 month ago 47

I know the title sounds bad but hear me out I have gotten head before so it wasn’t like this lifetiping moment but anyways one day during school my friend told me he got head from his girlfriend I told him congratulations cuz that shits awesome but anyways later during text at night he told me about it and he said if I also wanted head from her I though he was joking at first I just replied “ok bro💀💀” but he said he was deadass I was gonna say no cuz I thought that was weird my friends gf giving me head but then I just heard my voice and I thought “in order to achieve great things you gotta take risks and go out your zone” and it hit my like a train usually with stuff like this I always backed down but I was like you know fuck it why not so I said ok. So he gave her my number and we texted a bit nothing freaky or anything just a regular ass conversation but I told her if she was legit with it she said yeah so 2 days later it was the big day me and her went to this closed spot with privacy and she gave me head but my friend her boyfriend was there too he came with us he was giving us privacy and stuff but anyways after she finished we finished and shit and we got going and then like on the way when we were gonna part ways I forgot why or how but he said something I forgot what ( my memory is ass I have major adhd) but she ended up kissing me I mean she’s like a 7 so I didn’t complain or anything nor did I say no anyways I wanted to get this off my chest because I’m just confused like why tf would you give your boyfriend friend head with your Boyfriends permission sounds kyna weird I mean I’m not complaining tho I’m glad I got headt

submitted by /u/StunningRemote4288
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