I found this pretty interesting...

20 hours ago 7

When I was in the 8th grade I moved to a different city so that meant I needed to go to a different school. Mid-term, the language arts teacher informed me that I was completely failing and that I had to depend on my final project to be able to graduate. The project: re-write "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespear into modern times. We had weeks to do it, but I did it the night before it was do. I didn't sleep all night and was finished by the time I had to actually wake up.

I turned it in and forgot about it until the teacher announced that she had graded our project. I was nervous because she also announced that she was upset that no one seemed to understand the assignment and went on to lecture the class, and then she said, "Except for one." One of us actually did the assignment right and she began to read the prologue. The whole class, including me, were impressed with what that student had written, but I was shocked to hear her announce my name. My grade went from an F to a B-, and I was able to graduate.

Now, my daughter who is 11 years old in the 6th grade, in January, took a reading test in which she scored at her level, 5-6. Only two months later, she takes the same reading test and she scores at level 10-11! Like mother, like daughter!

But there's more. My oldest daughter was in advanced classes in middle and high school. She is currently attending Sacramento State University studying psychology. My son, who actually dropped out, when he tried to go back, he had to take a placement test since he had skipped the 8th grade. His scores were high enough to enter the grade he was actually supposed to be in which was the 9th grade. However, had he not skipped a grade they would have placed him in the 10th grade. Unfortunately, he completely dropped out of high school, but when I told him to take the GED, he passed with flying colors without even reading a book.

I owe it to the wonderful genes of my father who grew up in Mexico, never went to school, but became a mechanical engineer, and this is his story. He was the maintenance guy for a corporation, and in 1989, the person who invented the generators gave the corporation one to test it out. The engineers gave the task to my father who installed it and when the earthquake hit they actually worked, saving people who were stuck in the elevators. The company gave him the opportunity to get his GED, and get his bachelors in engineering.

I am blessed with having such an intelligent family. My oldesr brother is a computer engineer, another brother (before he passed away) was studying to become an aviation mechanic, one sister monitors EKG machines at a hospital, the other one is an interpreter at a hospital. Two other brothers work from home, and I am an admisitrator for the department of health and human services. I also, have a niece who is a psychologist who works at a batters womens' shelter, her sister is a behaviorals teacher, their sister is studying to be an architect. My nephew got a scholarship for football, and his brother is a computer tech. Another niece is a pharmacist, and the other niece is a botonist.

Life is hard, it isn't easy, but I count my blessings and each one of them (my family members) are a blessing. Things happen, and people fall apart, but be proud of who you are and who you know even if family could become your worst enemy, don't hate on what they do. Let them hate, but you appreciate.

submitted by /u/Low-Thanks-4316
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