I feel like I’ve been “going through the motions” for months, and have little desire to change

2 months ago 151

I’m a 29M. In high school and college I think I was a pretty normal kid. Had some friends, studied, played some sports. Graduated at age 23 with a Master’s and got a job in engineering, lived in a nice apartment for a couple years.

Then COVID happened, the few friends I had moved away, and my rent went up $400/month (now up $1,100 per month from what I was paying 4 years ago). I decided to move back home to save for a house. The past 4 years have been pretty good. I finished paying off my student loans and car loan and have saved and invested a ton of money. I could buy a house pretty soon if I wanted to, but am in no rush.

However, my social life is extremely limited. In the winter months I have no main hobbies. Since I work from home now, I basically just walk my dog, do stair master and other exercises after work, help with dinner, hang out with my parents and brother and go to bed every day of the week. On weekends I don’t have many reasons to leave the house other than to buy groceries or other essentials. My friends I went to high school with aren’t here anymore.

Over the last few months I’ve felt like I’m just sleep walking. I’m looking for something to stimulate me and spice up my life. I’ve tried online dating on and off for years and never had any luck. It got to the point where it made me feel so bad about myself that I’ve mentally ruled it out for good. I deleted all my social media since it reminds me of things I’ll probably never have (a love life, family of my own, etc.). All in all, I just feel numb to most things right now. I don’t really care about my job very much because it bores the hell out of me, but most of the time it’s easy enough and the pay is fantastic. I’ve noticed that I’m very easily emotionally moved by music lately but feel dead inside when I do normal daily activities (virtual work meetings, driving to a store, etc.). Doing my workouts and dreaming are the highlights of my days right now.

TLDR; going through a weird phase, 1/3rd life crisis right now. Feel all over the place and nowhere at the same time.

submitted by /u/throwRA-crush56
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