I did a terrible, terrible thing…

2 months ago 81

When I was 12 years old, I brutally destroyed a crayon box that I had by tearing it apart, and I feel so terrible about it. That crayon box was the sweetest little crayon box ever, and I know that it loved me very much. But one day, I was feeling angry about something, and I tore it to shreds in a fit of rage. I brutally killed that sweet, innocent little crayon box, and I left all those crayons without there loving, nurturing box. I then callously threw the box that I savagely slaughtered into the trash. I know that since that day, all of my other objects have a fear of me, and that those crayons hate me with a passion, but they can’t do anything to me since they have no power. I just feel so awful for doing such a cruel and terrible thing. I wish I could back in time and undo what I did, but I can’t, and I never will…

submitted by /u/Emperor-of-Epicness
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