I am more afraid of intelligence agencies like the CIA, then criminal organisations like a mafia

4 hours ago 2

Intelligence agencies are basically criminal organisations. Domestic intelligence agencies break laws with illegal surveillance including hacking, and possibly detaining and torturing people without due process. International intelligence agencies operate on foreign territory, where they have a mandate to collect intelligence and influence or control politics, by means that are unethical or illegal.

You can avoid dealing with organized crime. But in unstable regions you might need to pay protection money to minimise their intervention in your business or other activities.

But intelligence agencies hide in the open. They have infiltrated businesses and governments. You can't pay them to make them go away. They engage in illegally surveilling, detaining, and torturing people. Backed by their government. They might want to know what you are thinking and planning, and take illegal actions to violate your home and property, including your mind and body, to ensure that you act in their or their country's interests.

So who are you more afraid of? Government intelligence or security organisations, like the CIA or NSA. Or criminal organisations like the mob?

submitted by /u/fool49
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