How much does life really change in your twenties?

2 months ago 94

I'm 23F. Still liviing with my parents, have a decent entry level job and just recently ended a three year relationship. Life is really whatever right now. My mom has cancer, my dad is juggling his business, taking care of my mom, and our family, and really trying his best to keep a smile on his face everyday. Although I just graduated from college back in June, I am always frustrated about my future- establishing my career, finding a partner, and getting to a point of complete independence. I just feel like everyone around me are already in committed relationships, some engaged, some buying a house, all of that stuff. I'm just here, wishing for all of these things to work out for me. What if I keep living like this when I'm 26? 28? I definitely wouldn't want to and don't think I actually would, since I am constantly making an effort to improve my life- I am extremely into self development, my creative side hobbies, and really trying to make a name for myself in this world. Realistically, how much can life change between the ages of 23-29? That's really only six years and it could go by so fast. I guess I'm just creating a fantasy in my head that by the age of 29, I'll be married with a kid, but that's literally 6 years so it makes zero sense to think that all of that could happen within that time frame. Or am I just a late bloomer?

submitted by /u/Choice_Sir_3200
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