How many of you regret the choices you've made?

4 months ago 42

I’ll start first.

I regret pursuing a degree that holds little value because I ended up with an ordinary degree. Now, I’m stuck paying off student debt without any sense of fulfillment, as I didn’t achieve a higher mark.

I regret the jobs I’ve had, where my potential goes unrecognized due to my lack of education.

I regret spending three years of my life with someone who ultimately derailed my future.

I regret not studying something I’m truly passionate about, something that could have brought me both joy and financial stability.

I regret not being wealthy or owning any assets—but that’s not entirely within my control.

And to those questioning the purpose of this post or dismissing people with regrets as lazy or irresponsible, do you really think we aren’t trying to improve our situations? Just stop. Let people vent if they need to. Hiding behind a screen to judge or mock others only makes you look foolish.

submitted by /u/alina_joseph
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