How do you take yourself and your situation seriously?

1 month ago 39

Ever since my dad passed away, the household responsibility is thrown on me. And I'm in my mid20s now, but for so many years I've noticed that I'm truly truly not working on building a stable future ahead. I seem to procrastinate alot and live in the past. I keep complaining about how unfair life is and why am I getting this hardships for. What have I done to deserve pain and question myself like how come I feel not capable of handling life problems. Why do I easily give up and accept defeat. Why do I lack the smart work hard work mentality.

Whenever someone approaches me and asks what do you do and what are your future goals. I just feel so blank. I really don't know honestly. All I care is finding a job that pays well and with that able to afford a good life like a nice house and good car. Having significant amount of money saved or invested. But those are just average goals anyone has. Like people aim higher of owning a business, good healthy body, friends and family support and so on.

submitted by /u/Aj100rise
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