How do you know you are on the right path in life?

3 months ago 37

I don't know about y'all…but I believe in signs. And over the span of my lifetime, I've seen many. You know, those moments that happen and where you just think: this can't be coincidence. Moments that affirm that you are at the right spot at the right time (or not). It's little moments that become so important to me.

For instance, I remember that one moment where I trialed for this local soccer team where I lived at the time. Playing with that team, it felt as if I had been playing with them for my entire life. The conversations they had in the locker room, the music that was playing, the small talks I had with the players. Everything just "clicked" - like my whole life at that point.

But that was like a year ago. Fast forward to now, I made some mistakes and I'm trying to recover from those. I moved places. I live in a city now that I really dislike. I haven't had any of those moments where I feel like I am where I should be. Actually, quite the opposite. Since moving here, I didn't socialise much, and when I did, I never felt good about the whole situation. Nothing "clicks" anymore.

This is why I am very worried and highly confused about where my life is heading towards. And the worst thing is, I don't even feel like I am in control the entire time. It's not like you can just tell me "then just move back and join that soccer team" and I could do that… no, life ain't that simple. I tried, trust me, but it seems impossible.

I need to accept where I am right now and make the best of it, I guess. But what If I took a completely wrong turn and I am figuring out right now?

submitted by /u/heccy-b
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