How do you find a job if you feel like scared and messed up ?

2 months ago 67

I feel like I’m not scared to get a job is just everything in my life is messed up. I’m 27 now, yet I have barely any work experience. I don’t have a degree nor the skills. I’m not driving and social skills suck too. I have never created linkeln account. Because I have nothing to put on there. It’s been 3 yrs that I’ve not attended college. My last job was in retail before that was in fast food and before that was in relatives sweet shop. Any job that I did work was barely 6 months. I hated going to work because is just something I didn’t want to do but I forced myself to go because I want to contribute financially in household. It’s been 3 yrs I’ve at home doing nothing but feeling bad and hurting myself mentally. So many people have told me just do some online course in I.t., enroll in online college. Learn a skill, do content creating and find a job any and go from there. So, I applied few jobs in the past remote work,warehouses and office entry level but looks like I didn’t get any offers. So I just gave up

submitted by /u/Jpoolman25
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