How do you cure an insecurity

1 month ago 29

I recall something I heard recently, about a man who was on a ship at great risk of sinking. The man was clearly scared and green around the gills, but he was the only person not lamenting the situation.

Though imminent risk of death and insecurity are by no means the same, I feel this is a pretty good way to demonstrate what I mean by “curing an insecurity.”

The man was clearly of great mental strength, not panicking in a situation like that takes great fortitude. If we were to compare this with an insecurity we might say that this is a person who doesn’t let their worries control their behavior. It’s a fight he can pick with himself and win. This seems achievable! Meditation, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy- things of that nature- are all hugely beneficial in reaching this kind of headspace. It is not only achievable, but the methods to reach such a place are well documented.

But just as the man is still scared of being present on a sinking ship despite not lamenting, he also still experiences the insecurity despite not letting it control him.

He is winning the fight, he might stay winning the fight for the rest of his life, but he is not cured.

How do I erase an insecurity so thoroughly I can continue as though that insecurity had never occurred to me before? How do I cure myself?

submitted by /u/RevolutionaryAlps283
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