how do i tell my heart to shutup when i need to?

2 months ago 70

i never admitted to being a people pleaser but i know i def am, with that i also did everything in my will to push things back and forward to be able to hangout with a friend and they still kept cancelling and i understand they had to , it wasn't fully thier choice but it hurts that i was desperate to go out with u and u just cancel last minute again.

if i prioritized myself enough and stopped going out of my way for someone else i would've been studying instead of waiting for a reply and being so happy knowing i'll see them, i planned the entire time we'd spend together in my head..(LISTEN IAM NOT SAYING THAT YOU SHOULDN'T DO NICE THINGS TO PEOPLE iam literally writing this post scared someone might take an idea in a bad way and go turn off thier emotions or stop being nice to others I BEG YOU TO NOT, THAT'S NOT RIGHT I SWEAR ON MY LIFE)

how.. do i just.. i dont know what i want guys.

how do i listen to my brain when my heart is so dominant.. iam a person always looking to give out my love and i follow my FEELINGS before anything and that's not right TOO MUCH OF IT IS NOT RIGHT i wish my brain had some control.

submitted by /u/StatementFriendly444
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