History has been shaped by men seeking the eternal fame of glory. In this day and age, can glory still be earned?

1 day ago 6

As far as I can tell, glory was a thing the best of men sought most often in politics and in battle throughout history. Today politicians are lucky to be respected and are often despised. On the battlefield soldiers receive the utmost respect, but given the nature of modern combat there is neither distinction in individual combat nor in inspiring tactics.

Due to modern bureaucracy, you really don't have modern day Napoleons/Caesars as conquest is largely (for now), a thing of the past. Is there anything today that invites men seeking legacy?

First you had conquest of course, then great thinkers/artists, to now inventors and humanitarians when it comes to what the world generally values/respects. (Of course there was a ton of overlap, but this is a generalization.)

What does the present/future of great men look like? Of course the main two answers are those who learn to innovate with and implement ai tools (assuming it's here to stay and not a fad) and maybe space exploration. Are we still deep in the business/humantierian era of MLKs, Malcom X's, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, (etc.) Type people or is this era almost over?

I'd love to hear your guys' thoughts!

submitted by /u/HARJAS200007
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