No longer worry about my future

1 day ago 15

Entering my late 20s now, and I am living my best life so far, all the experiences that have happened to me since I left the U.S. last years are tremendous, never imagined myself actually doing what I am doing.

I used to live in the Bay Area, the only thing mattered was making money, bills to pay, lots of bills, breathing in Bay Area cost money as well. And I want a nice car, and a house, and many other materialistic things, Oh yea, don’t forget to compare yourself to your surrounding people, everything driven by materialistic desires, jealousy, and ambition. I thought I could eventually adapt myself into this highly competitive society, I didn’t fit, not competent and smart enough, thus I escaped. I can no longer imagine myself living there again.

7 months into my experiences of traveling, I have meet a lot of people, seen many different lifestyles, listened to many stories, and built many connections. I realized one thing, human life is vibrant and it’s about making meaningful connections, sometime you can learn a lot about yourself by simply having a conversation with someone, they are a mirror of yourself.

Now, carpe diem is my everyday goal, I no longer worry about the future, I trust the fated path. I am blessed with the money I made and saved that allowed me to do what I am doing. My early 20s was miserable, now that I am awake, I need to figure what I really want to do for my future, not what I have to do to achieve my future, it’s the process that matters. I know a lot of people don’t have the privilege to get out of a struggle environment, but at least try.

submitted by /u/backtoAztec
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