Have you ever made a promise to someone on their deathbed?

2 months ago 120

My mother and father in-law moved in with us after he was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. Thankfully he got a couple years with us and his grand kids before passing. He was able to do hospice in our home, and so we were bedside the night of his passing. I made the simple promise to him that we would look after his wife, hoping to ease his anxieties about leaving us all behind. While I was fully intentional in making this promise, I am still amazed at how it seems to have solidified inside myself as an unbreakable bond almost external of my conscious will? I will never try and defy it or anything, and it’s a difficult feeling to describe, but it somehow feels governed by a force external of my awareness. Anyway, I was thinking about the effect this has had on me today, and realized how interesting some of the stories some of you would have to share. TIA!

submitted by /u/Efficient-Pay6301
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