Going sober is the best thing i have ever done

1 month ago 44

Hi everyone,

I hope it’s okay to share this here! I just wanted to open up about my experience in case it resonates with someone or helps anyone considering a similar path.

I’ve been a stoner for most of my life. For a long time, I didn’t think much about it until I had a moment of clarity and realized the life I was living wasn’t really living at all. I felt like I was trapped, a slave to the material world.

Today, I’m proud to say I’m 10 days sober, and the changes I’ve noticed already have been truly remarkable. I’ve started documenting my entire journey, hoping it might inspire someone out there who’s in a similar situation to take that first step toward change.

If you have any questions or want to connect, please feel free to reach out. We’re all in this together.

Much love and strength to everyone on their own path! 🖤🙏😄


submitted by /u/MichaelPayandeh
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