Friendship? Is it all in my head

2 months ago 35

Hey I have this friend/ coworker and for some reason she has dropped out streak and turned her location off I asked if she was fine she said yea and when I asked if she was good she left me on opened I do not understand what has happened/ is she mad at something. We have had a 3 year friendship/coworker and we have had moments partly because a lot of stuff went down and basically I got tossed out when I got my friend a job at where I work and she became besties with her which I'm fine with but it's weird like l'm not even friends with her and like I've always been there for her I stayed with her when she was in the hospital I've stayed at her house when she got home l've always been there l've never brought that up because someone once brought it up and she said I never asked her to stay at the hospital but to me that is what a friend would do so you would not be alone when her wedding came a couple months before she texted me at night and said hey I'm gonna ask my other friend who I got a job there l've know her my whole life to be in her wedding and I said ok so I will not be there she then said I've never said you were in the wedding and then shifted the blame onto me which I then I decided to let it go and tell her and her mother which is also a coworker which she asked if I was alright I told them that I would never be mad or stay mad at you choosing who you want in your wedding fast forward a lot of small things have happened but l've never said anything because I don't want it turned on me or for anyone to think I'm jealous or trying to start stuff I used to get extremely jealous when they would hang out or do stuff but she would if it was switched but after so long it came to light I would get jealous so I worked myself up and changed to were I don't get as jealous I still do over anything but I talk to myself and voice myself with reasons

submitted by /u/Kindly-Quiet2874
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