For me personally I've come to accept that life will NEVER be as good as it was as a kid.

2 months ago 36

Life as a kid for me was just so much better than it is now. I know im only 19 but I can confidently say that the peak of my life was and will always be between the ages of 5-12. It's not just the lack of responsibility (although thats a pretty big reason), but the strong curiosity and wonder of life that will simply never return. Everything is new and because of that life was exiting,. Ironically as a child I felt that I had more freedom especially with expressing my emotions such as sadness or anger, without much fear of judgment which is certainly a plus. Before I thought that while nothing could ever top my childhood at least I could maybe get close, now I think that I will never get close to the fun,interest,curiosity,love,awe etc etc that I had from my childhood. Even things like playing video games, or traveling was better and more fun as a kid ,everything in general was. I could go on and on about why my childhood will always be better, but I won't. What makes your childhood or being an adult better for you?

submitted by /u/Key-Opinion-1700
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