Hello everyone! I just wanted to share some thoughts I have been having lately. I seriously think that mobile phones, specifically social media (Tik Tok, Youtube, Instagram...) are destroying us as a society. I think this because whenever im in the bus or walking through the streets, I see lots of people looking at the phone or at least holding it with their hands, just like as if was some sort of human extension... People don't talk, look at each other or simply get bored anymore, and in my opinion that is very negative.
I try to look at the phone only when is necessary (Because sadly in this society it is impossible to live without a mobile phone, there is no escape) and I sometimes i feel lonely, even when im surrounded by people (in class, for example), as if everybody were statues or robots... I'm 19 and my parents around 50 and they tell me that when they were my age, relationships were more human and life was more calmed and paused. People didn't have the urge to constantly check if anyone had sent a message, or to distract easily scrolling videos...
If only i could wake up tomorrow and smartphones had disappeared... What are your thoughts on this??
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