Family Ties & Drama

3 months ago 35

I haven't seen my extended family in years (10 years)

But, my mother gave me the update on family ties

She said-

My auntie (whose husband died recently) had a quarrel with another auntie of mine (who is highly disliked) they two were long besties but until now they got stuck up and took things too personally.. leaving the disliked auntie dissed out from my uncle's funeral services. Her husband (being the eldest brother/veteran) didn't like that so he said some shit and made his own BBQ party on the side for my dead uncle.

My veteran uncle (and disliked auntie) went too far with this BBQ gathering.. Apparently, the BBQ party was for anybody that wanted to pay their respects for my dead uncle.

Two older cousins went to this BBQ gathering..

Furthering on with my veteran uncle (and disliked auntie) Their kids (My older cousin and his wife) Questioned why they couldn't go to their own brother's funeral service..and they didn't like they turned down the invitation.

One of the cousins that went to BBQ party questioned about the two that didn't go to the funeral services. And she has a sassy mouth and went on and stirred up some bullshit..

One of my uncles was told not to go to this own brothers funeral service because he has a mouth and stirs shit up at these kinds things.

His ex wife stepped in.. and she started some bullshit drama...

My youngest uncle (one of my astranged uncles) was never updated sbout his brothers services and he was kept out of it all. And he didn't like that so he stayed some drama..

One other uncle (who hates these kinds things) never came around for during his own brothers death..not even for support..

One auntie tried to keep people updated (virtually) on the matters of my uncle's death and she was backed up with peoples drama..

My youngest auntie was there and watched her brother die...she lost her son recently... but she spent her entire life taking care of her parents til they shes done with it all..

Everybody thats related to my uncle are old and dramatic.

And they act like highschool kids being dramatic at the dance hall..

And it goes on and on like this with a few other uncles and aunts and older cousins.

I'm just so glad I'm haven't been around..

My fucking family is so dramatic it's not even funny..

I could care less about my family..

The good old glory days are over

And the young millennials don't even give a shit...

submitted by /u/serrot1
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