Ever tried turning your life into a video game to stay motivated?

2 months ago 36

I always feel guilty when I rest and really need a better, more positive way to motivate myself instead of simply forcing myself to work like a robot. I came across a book that talks about gamification and decided to apply it to my personal life by creating a gamified personal growth system to track my goals, habits, skills, and attributes in real life. I initially tracked my points on a spreadsheet for a few months but eventually decided to create a better system. Here are some techniques I use to motivate myself.

Journey, Milestone, and Quest System

For example, I want to become an app developer. This is a journey I’m planning to work on for years. I set milestones for this journey, and depending on their significance, I reward myself with gems.

Within each journey, I identify quests that actually help me make progress. For example, I might code for 4 hours a day or watch five coding tutorials. Each quest gives me coins based on its difficulty.

Reward Shop

I can use the coins and gems I earn to purchase personalize rewards. For instance, if I break my squat PR, I unlock a new weightlifting belt.

Attribute system

Each quest links to 1–3 attributes. As I complete quests, these attributes increase. For example, coding for 4 hours a day might link to attributes like intelligence, problem-solving, and logic.

Skill and Timer System

Each time I code, I start a timer and link it to a specific skill. For example, when I start coding, I link it to my "iOS Development" skill. When I stop the timer, the time automatically converts to XP.

The skills start at level 0, and reaching level 100 requires 10,000 hours of effort—based on the 10,000-hour rule.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions on how I can make my gamification system more effective or motivating!

submitted by /u/NoEntrepreneur7390
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