"Don't waste your life" / "There is not enough time"

1 day ago 6

I've heard that advice now by many successful entrepreneurs who share their success on YouTube, and I'm surprised how people find this inspiring.

These people spend their entire life working and promoting themselves online and hardly have any time for family and friends. Sure they make business friends but as soon as they lose on relevance, they will lose them in a heartbeat.

Their schedule is out of control being busy 24/7 and they appear to be chasing one dopamine kick after another making more money/business opportunities.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have more money (who doesn't) but I don't see the point of sacrificing my life for work. I'm very comfortable financially due to correct investment decisions in the past and only need to work for fun, so I'm spending 20h a week working on a job that I love. I'd hate the same job as soon as it would take my time away from being an active family father/husband, spend time meeting friends, and travel with my family internationally or simply help a stranger in need.

I don't feel like I'm wasting my life, and I do feel I have plenty of time. Sure, I might die tomorrow in an accident which would make my wife and son sad but I'm doing whatever I want to do already right now, so I'm living a fulfilled life without all the drive to business success.

Why do people admire these entrepreneurs so much?

submitted by /u/WhatWouldYourMother
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