Don't have the energy to fight for love anymore

2 months ago 28


I recently went through a terrible heartbreak in September. I was able to somehow get over it. And for some weird reason I started meeting my crush (through a common friend). I was trying to pick up all the signs but at the end of the end I figured he is not interested. I am okay with being single. But I have been single for the last 26 years of my life (basically my whole life). For once I just wanted to experience what its like when someone cares for you. I have people who love me immensely. But I crave for the romantic love these days more often than not. I have had guys who were interested in me but I wasn't interested in them. Now I feel like for some people love isn't meant to be and I am one of them.

How to get rid of this feeling? I am so proud of myself that I could get over the first heartbreak. Now I feel like I don't have the energy to go through another within 2 months span. I will try to maintain minimum contact with him. The person is also my friend so I can't completely avoid him.

submitted by /u/NoteFrosty1244
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