Does it get better?

2 months ago 65

Hello everyone,

I am starting college next fall, I have already been admitted to the institution I want , which means I am moving out soon. As someone who is very much into politics, I always read the news and keep up with everything that's going one in the world. What I am trying to say is that I am scared. I am scared for my future, I feel like there is nothing positive anymore. It might be because I am growing up and the realization just hit but I am wondering if there is even a point in doing all this. So I am here to ask all of you- How did the transition from being a teenager to an adult felt like? Was there a time when you wondered if your efforts would pay off? Does it get better? Looking back at your early 20s-30s, are you satisfied? If not, what would you change?

I am aware that this post sounds pessimistic and that most of you probably believe that it's normal and that I can't do anything about the state of the World, which is why I should probably keep living my life- I'm just trying to feel understood and maybe some advices : )

Thank youu.

submitted by /u/Hairy-Initiative-866
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