Debating whether to go back to college to change careers or meet people?

2 months ago 35

I've been working in a tech role for a year with a higher workload than some of my past jobs. I'm deciding whetehr to stay or take another job even if it pays less. It seems like nobody is responding to resumes the whole year.

I thought of switching careers from IT back to the medical field or going back to college. I used to be a firefighter and have a degree in kinesiology. I feel like the last chance I had to meet people was back in college and that my life has been all about work since then. The work environment takes all the soul and happiness out of your life.

Idk if I'm looking back on college with rose tinted glasses. I remember when I was in college it felt like high school 2.0 at my local commuter college university. Most of the women in college were dating the same guys they grew up with and it was cliquish. There was no college environment like the big state schools where you had people from different areas to get to know. At mine, everyone would just go to class and then the campus would be empty afterwards.

I feel like some people in these tech roles act like their only value as a human being is all the technical stuff they know. None of the workers in the remote job I have try to get to know each other and if we do have team meetings everything feels phony or it's strictly focused on project timelines and due dates. The clients are from other states or countries since it's a remote role. I feel even less a connection at this job than other tech roles I've and other tech roles were bad too.

The pay is good, so idk if it's worth giving all that up to go 2 years without working to go back to school. I was considering going back either for an associates as a radiology tech, or an MBA. Idk if the MBA would be worth the cost, since tech doesn't really require an MBA. I have considered an mba to move into more general business roles that aren't as technical. With the job market the way it is, I don't think the degree may help as much as I'm thinking since every job wants 3 to sometimes 7 years of experience.

Idk if going to college is worth the cost or if I'm looking on college as being better than it was? Or if there's other things to do to meet people? Redditors say running clubs,, bookstores, or coffeeshops. From what I see everyone is usually in a world by theirself and they seem unapproachable, or women hang out in groups of people that they grew up with, so it's hard to approach them. Where I live they don't have much on meetups outside of cringe small business association meetups with 3 people that are often older dudes. I;ve never seen any running clubs either because I live in the suburbs where the only thing to do is go to Walmart or strip malls.

Even when I go out it feels empty like everyone is inside so idk what to do to meet a partner for dating? On the dating apps if you match with someone usually they make excuses that they live too far away. Yet, if you match with someone close, they never text back and play games.

Would going back to college help my career, dating options, or neither?

submitted by /u/ElectricOne55
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