Best job I ever had

2 months ago 96

When I was 20, I worked a summer as a courier for a bank that had about two dozen branches spread around a thirty-mile radius. This was before email and faxes. All sorts of documents needed to be disbursed between the branches, so they had a day and evening courier. I was the day courier.

They had me use a nearly new Ford Bronco with about ten credit cards for every gas station brand you can think of in the glove box. My boss was completely out-to-lunch and paid no attention to her responsibilities at all. She was just worried about her hair and nails and pending retirement.

I realized quickly there was no need for my job and nobody would notice if I didn’t do it. The night person transferred all the drop boxes anyway, so day courier was redundant.

I also realized I could take the truck home at night and nobody would notice (as night courier used a different vehicle from different location) and, not only that, I even had the gall to use it on weekends too.

During the week I’d make appearances at a few branches here and there on a couple days of the week, always acting in a rush and just giving a quick hello to tellers saying I had to zoom off to somewhere else. So busy I seemed! All thought I was such a hard worker.

Summer was mostly spent running to the beach and elsewhere with friends, and free gas for all! Never once turned in a gas receipt or anything, never got questioned about what I was or was t doing, nothing!

Then after I left and went back to school, they got swallowed by a bigger bank and that was the end of that….

submitted by /u/CapGrundle
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