At a newer job I am miserable but there is a path

2 months ago 35

So I (m25) after working in the same role for nearly 5 years and all through college finally got a job offer that had decent pay. Not great pay but a huge step up from where I was $23.50 an hour like I said I’m not rich or balling but I’m a single guy. I live with my dad and had gone through a lot of trauma in the last year. I had to take a medical leave from my old job and stay with my mom in the hospital while she battled a rare form of blood cancer for 3 month until she inevitably passed at the age of 57 back in March (RIP momma). Around the same time I found out that my fiancé and girlfriend of 5 years was having an affair with a middle aged married man.

So I finished up college in the summer and went back to work and immediately got a job offer at a bank call center. Basscially what sold me is that they discussed with me a path of moving up in a pretty straight line. It stars at 23.50 with 21 PTO days , 5 holidays and the other 6 federal holidays we get Holliday pay for. Plus an opportunity to get promoted in the call center within 6 months and the option to move out of the call center in a year (which is the popular option). But I have realized just because I am eligible doesn’t mean I’m automatically gonna get promoted in a year. I am doing well based on my metrics after being in the CC for 2 months and all my supervisors talk to me about taking promotions through the CC which sounds terrible because that means I have to stay at that role for another year.

I just walk into work miserable every day I take about 80 to 100 calls a day it’s people crying , telling me they hate me, there kids aren’t gonna have presents on Christmas, I have been called every name in the book in just 2 months and it’s not that I’m thinned skinned bc I’m not but it has just crushed me I feel so done and unmotivated. Plus your managers don’t answer any questions they quite literally just tell you to figure it out. I just don’t know if I can make it until October of next year we will see.

submitted by /u/Big-Wear-5589
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