
2 months ago 21

39 year old who doesn't fit in anywhere. Never felt settled or secure.

Struggling to have relationships. Struggling to hold down jobs. No idea what I want to do for a career or what I'd be good at. Gained a diploma in nutrition, wanted to do a uni course but was denied as I haven't got any history of working in nutrition, was pushed by my newly ex gf to go I to uni to better myself but I'm like 'meh, were all gonna die at end of the day so what's the point?' I literally have no understanding on uni, how to enrol, finances for it it's just too complicated for my brain to absorb. I'm useless at retaining information. Don't even know how to be self employed or how to do end of year tax. I always need my hand held with things. Can't even hang a shelf up. All I have is the fact I'm a decent looking guy with serious mood issues. I've tried therapy on and off which is exactly what everything is like for me. I made the decision to move to Salisbury to live my ex after knowing her for 3 weeks, I lived in Norfolk so it wasn't just around the corner and I thought YOLO, she was a difficult person to be with and I'm a very difficult person to be with. So now my stuff is in Salisbury, I've spent Xmas up until now on my mates couch in Ely Cambridgeshire and looks like I'll be moving to great Yarmouth to stay at my mates but got to get my stuff from her flat at some point.

More of a post to rant my frustrations with myself and to show anyone out there who may feel lost or a fuck up that it could be worse.

Don't be like me in life kids

Ciao 😘

submitted by /u/JNico85
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