Anyone not feel good most of the time?

3 months ago 35

I haven’t felt like myself in a while. Most days I feel off balance, pressure in my head. Just off in general. Most recently I’ve been hearing my heartbeat in my ears. It has been driving me nuts. I don’t know. I’m just trying to get my thoughts out instead of them keep replaying my head.

But back to just not feeling well, I constantly monitor my pulse and know that sounds crazy but having anxiety just makes you over cautious of everything. When my heart rate is up, I panic, when my heart rate feels low I panic so it’s like I cannot win.

The only thing that’s really wrong with me is having anemia. Sometimes I feel like something may be wrong with my brain ( I get headaches often) , but I have had a MRI back in March of this year and it came out normal, but I’m just wondering what can these symptoms be coming from?

I feel like Covid may have changed some things in me both mentally and physically, even before Covid I dealt with anxiety, but it feels different.

Is anyone going through anything similar to what I am please share.

submitted by /u/Passionxxooxx
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