am i supposed to know what to do in life at 15?

1 month ago 32

i’m 15 years old and i have no idea what i want to do. all my life, i’ve only been told that i should work towards being a doctor by my dad, and now i’m only just realising that i have no desire to do that whatsoever. i feel like everyone has their life sorted out even if i know they probably don’t. i don’t know what career i want to pursue or even a notion of what job i want to have; i just know that i don’t want to be a doctor and probably won’t be one. but at the same time, is it too late to change my mind now?

i had a phase of wanting to be a criminal psychologist (as one does when you go into a tiktok ’future jobs’ slideshow deep dive), but it came to me that i already picked my GCSEs which basically eliminates the option of doing anything psychologically related in my future because i didn’t pick psychology because my dad told me not to. just recently, i came to another career idea of being a journalist. i wasn’t sure which field but i knew that i would have liked to pursue that career path, and then i look into the salary and find out that the money i would make (if i became one) wouldn’t be enough to support whatever life i’d like to have in the future.

i just wish that life was easier, that i wouldn’t have to worry about jobs and i can just stay a teenager forever and not worry about taxes and mortgages and just being an adult in general. like, the entire world is out there and i’m sat in my room stressing about which university i want to go to??? i don’t think that this should be the case for a 15 year old. i feel like i should be enjoying my teenage years before i get old and quite literally will not be physically capable of doing so, but that’s not what i’m doing and i’m so irritated at the world and myself for that, but i have the looming presence of my parents to deal with.

if you’ve actually read all this, thanks for taking your time to read my silly little rant. i’m pretty sure i‘m just in a phase where i‘m now just realising the reality i’m facing and am absolutely overwhelmed by it. i feel like i’m living in a world that is changing at a rate so quickly that i question if i will even have the opportunity to take on a job i would enjoy, or if it would be taken over by ai by the time i’m 30. also, racism and discrimination is still a thing so i have to stress about that in my career too! why can’t life just be easy? all i want to do at the end of my life is know that i enjoyed it and have a bunch of stories to tell my grandchildren as i sit in my porch drinking a cup of tea in italy. anyways, thanks for listening to my ted talk, i think my only real question to any readers would just be if you had any advice on how to get through life as a whole and what i should do with my career, i don’t want to rot in england forever! 😊😊🙏🙏

submitted by /u/Calm_Cheesecake5911
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