Am I a bad person for hating God today?

1 month ago 23

Hear me out. I’ve been Christian my whole life (I’m 24). Been doing exams, failed some in the beginning, then passed a few and I’ve just failed the same one twice this year. I put everything into the resit, physically couldn’t have done any more work if I tried. Was an awful exam though. But there’s others I work with that do next to nothing and pass easily. How is that fair? Whenever I have problems I always trust in him and go back to him if I’ve messed up. But today when I saw that I failed this exam I just broke down.

I try really hard to build a relationship with him and then I just get slapped in the face😭 like seriously what is the point.

Also, I know failing exams isn’t a big deal and I can retake etc but I just feel different today. Like it’s the end of me trying to have a relationship with him.

submitted by /u/insidesupernova
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