Adapting to intense negative feelings/anticipatory anxiety before work?

2 months ago 34

Making this post as an attempt to try and reframe my perspective on work in general via outside input. I've had one job, a Walgreens PCSA position for one year up until this November. I got good at my job, was reliable and friendly at work, and had a lot to be confident in. I left for a position with better pay, and I start a night cleaning position this Monday.

That being said, I've always had an intensely bad time immediately before work and in the dwindling hours of my weekend. At this point, these have been my only two jobs, so I try to recognize that adjusting to the work grind isn't easy. I've tried reframing, breathing exercises in the morning, reminding myself of the goals that work makes possible, reminding myself of what I can be confident in, making the most of my free time, and various other coping mechanisms both the day before and the morning of a shift. I have also gone through multiple counselors, modified a medication routine for years, and done all I can to professionally address my mental health.

I know these feelings are normal. My old boss often told me to just feel those feelings rather than attempting to erase them altogether, but if it's 5 minutes before my shift and I'm feeling that broken every single morning, it's extremely hard to manage. It makes me sad I sacrifice so much of my time and energy just to break even. I'm getting paid more at this new job, and that reward will come once I start putting the time in, but. I'm tired of these feelings chronically wearing me down. It makes me feel like a spoiled child, wanting to get through life with little to no effort. It feels less like the job itself isn't the problem, more that I'm the problem.

I do a lot of googling when I feel like this, because I've often found that hearing the input of others helps me at least not feel so alone and broken. So I guess I sort of wanted to make a post myself and field some input from others who might struggle in the same way I do. I wish I could adjust to what society expects of me better. I wish I could be energized and excited before work instead of anxious and filled with aimless dread. Any input on this would be greatly appreciated, and to anyone feeling similar, you are not alone.

submitted by /u/Lightning-G
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