A note: on being blocked by a psychology group

3 months ago 47

It’s amusing …How a psychology group will block you… This is piggy backing off a previous complaint as you’ll see on my previous posts. Just wanted to bring it up again.

It speaks volumes to the practices of this branch of science that is to remain open to interpretations when challenging existing and current ones that happen daily.

There’s no real certainty that exists in the realm of psychology (where do they anywhere?) that there should ever be such intimidation warranting obscurities to its own developments, exploring more complexities it claims to have expertise in and welcomes.

We are those experiences in action and we have a best guess of these behaviors that overtime expressed in reliabilities, not certainties.

So if there’s that then the offenses really shouldn’t occur to defend much of anything with that level of continued openness. Then being wrong when proven, or dismantled in some way shouldn’t be a problem and no need to create mechanisms to be protected by. Discoveries of the mind, behaviors, and its abilities can continue on without any personal objections impeding progress that wants and needs to be made.

If this can be done here this can hopefully have the effect it can broadly impact other domains providing the much needed evidenced infusions to accommodate differences that can be actioned successfully.

submitted by /u/2drealepic
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