39M and I am so lost

2 months ago 30

I will be honest, I am at that point in life where I don't see a reason to continue. I want to give up and just crawl in a grave and be done with everything. Furthermore, I am lost, sad and so lost. I don't know what to do any more. In the last year I had 3 jobs and lost them all, I am behind with my rent. Struggling with anxiety and trusting people, I am afraid of everything and in my mind everyone wants to hurt me there's no kind people in the world.
Manage to end up all alone with nobody around me. No friends, no relationship, My set of mind is what's the point, just give up. And I don't want to, but it's so hard and I am going down harder to everything and get affected by everything that's happening to me. I am so sensitive to everything. I read somewhere that I am on surviving mode, but what's the point of everything?
How many of you manage to get over this and picked yourself up? I need to know so I can get myself out of this state of mind...

Thank you

submitted by /u/satana_cu_cioc
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