I had wrote a long writing before I had to go make dinner and it disappeared. : / Hope this post is ok fr the tag.. I think the point of life is to go through it. It will throw whatever and it's to go through it. There's nothing else much to be done. Both sides of life those who tell you to be successful by society standard and those who are fked up arent great to be around duh. So I thought let me not follow both. I've never been out to the world on my own before. Im 21. I do not know how my journey will be. It's all foggy out there. I think about the people on this planet and how everything is revolved around money. If I end up homeless because of no jobs there are millions already in that situation. It's all 1% rich ppls fault. I accept life as it happens. I rather it be this way than have a good economy with people I cant be bothered to be around im sure. I rather go through what Im going through and face life no matter what than follow people who I dont like. Hope im ok. Seeing how quick the world is moving makes me feel confused. Pre covid around just 7 year ago the world was so different. Jobs were everywhere. Things were affordable. Etc. Times are changing and it's sad how this is all unraveling. I dont know how the future will look. I hope everything turns out ok. I do not love nor hate this world. I have no attachment. The world is full of noise. I thought life was more simple. As time continues so much noise has happened. It's very sad. So much noise and hate. Life is always finding ways to bother me. But I've decided since it's never ending and not even workable like societal challenges that Im willing to face it than run away. It's so sad Idc. Some people are so cruel. Let life be life. I am so tired of trying to alter it. Tired of certain types of people and being treated in a way I use to have to focus so much on their bs. The people who have no shame in their wrongdoings and inconsiderations. Tired of people. Sadly I dont think being homeless means ill not deal with people who are annoying. Hopefully it's bearable. Tired of life. Sad this is reality. I didnt think the world was this annoying. Obnoxious. I would want to move but sadly I dont have the money. I blame my parents. I blame family members. I feel like im headed towards the right path because I've always had been given broken promises from everyone. So now I want to trust in myself. The hate on this planet was not what I thought. I dont know what will happen in my future. I think it's also because Im too young. I grew up with overly religious parents. They didnt treat me well. Very sad. People are so obnoxious. So sad. Am I being too negative in life? People can be so negative. Idc.
Glad my life is how it is. I was writing how it wasnt but seeing how other people act im glad I dont attract them. I hope I can befriend the people I want to. Maybe I should be glad I probably will be homeless in the future because I have a part time job and I do not want to deal even people I work at. Im just minding my business. Life yells too much. Why put up with it. To be center of attention? Idc. Oh Im a weirdo now?? who cares. Life is kina lame. I had wrote so much before but it was all deleted oh well. I just dont know the world that well. It might sound really dumb but idc. I think I've written too much but Im just thinking and then just writing what comes to mind. I just write for those who understand me. I think I need to go out to more places to see whats going on because Im lost. Confusing world. Do whatever the f you want world. Idgaf it doesnt care abt me. It's never ending so im going to watch passively. I hope the homeless shelter has a place for me to stay. If not if it gets bad idc. Oh noo I get ignored by society. Kina nice. Disrespected? Oh well. Rather face that. Dont want to listen to be people who say to be successful nor those who are in terrible situations in life. Ill just listen to myself and not try.
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