(24y M) never saved a $1 in my life…

2 months ago 36

brought up by a good family, not wealthy but a 3 meals every day what more could I ask for, I moved out on my own 3 times first at 19yo, I pay rent, pay my bills that’s fine, but anything leftover after my expenses i feel I always have to do something with the money. Gamble, good time sometimes just plain silly spending, im really sick of my habits and believe I’m just in the edge of saving some bank even if it a a little, I have no worth for the money I have, I’ve recently banned myself from all forms of gambling and moved back in with mum so I can pay but less rent and save money, anyway, does anyone have any tactics or methods to saving or at least being contempt with the necessities in life? (If that makes sense)

thanks to anyone taking the time to read.

submitted by /u/Puzzled-Assumption-4
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